Cab Calloway appears in 2 performances from 1933 and 1934.
Cab Calloway sometimes appeared as ‘Cab Calloway’.
Although a largely untold story, Depression-era Austin was home to a significant number of local territory orchestras and dances with major Swing and Sweet bands.Read more…
The Royal Auditorium and Cotton Club were the centers of dance and Swing culture in East Austin during the 1930s.Read more…
An oral history with the Austin-born bassist Gene Ramey from the 1970s tells us significant things about music in East Austin in the first third of the twentieth century.Read more…
Austin hosted a surprising number of famous visiting big bands, orchestras, and jazz musicians during the Depression and World War II era.Read more…
The major popular music ensembles for public dances in Austin were territory bands, regional bands that created a unique Southwest lineage of jazz and dance music.Read more…